Monday, May 14, 2007


This was partially inspired by a couple of PhD students from Cambridge, I met when they were on honeymoon in Tenerife. He was studying chemokines, when I was thinking about cytokines and cancer.
An old idea was that HIV made IL-4 on its own – with no IL-2 or IL-1+. I was wrong! After I met the Cambridge students I learned that HIV made three chemokines, that normally are produced in response to IL-4.
The difference is the feedback – my area of expertise. IL-4 causes the APCs to produce the active antibody, and enough IL-2 to action it.
Chemokines make the antibody with no IL-2, only the usually suppressive IL-10. This is what causes AIDs!
So if somebody is HIV+, we give them a drip of IL-2, at the level of a person getting better from an infection, even with the aid of fungal antibiotics.
The latter cause the immune system to produce the activer antibody, even to viruses! So fungal antibiotics help cure human viral infections – it is all due to the feedback system of the immune system: Which is positive, and very powerful.
With full AIDs, there is loads of the active antiviral in the blood, but it is dropped by the T cells, and never loaded on the macrophages. That is what the externally applied IL-2 will do: And cure AIDs, and remove all HIV infected cells from the body.
If some body is HIV-, we can spike the immune system: We take blood samples, and get at the active antiviral.
We give this in pill form, with no IL-10! The body will make IL-2 and IL-4, and we cure the infection totally!
And all this stuff is in the books! What medics needed was some stuff on systems work – which is my M.Eng.!
I am sorry I did no come to Cambridge: I was cleaver enough, and my sister and father in law got first in medicine from Kings. But I had no interest.
My head injury changed all that! A drip of IL-4+ will fix head injuries, and I am so interested in.
Polly has my cancer work, which will stand on its own. No way should I be in Salford singing on stage, and editing three internet blogs! What a waste.


Seem to have been about in the Middle Ages, when there is little written history. If you time travel, you can’t alter anything! But if it is not recorded, who is to say what happened! You are free to change it.
Wizards talked remotely. With the mobile telephone, we all do this now! We receive and send calls from little handsets! Dressing one up in a crystal ball would be easy.
Come to think of it, crystal balls seem to have been computer terminals! With no input devices. Great way to get information around! You would need dedicated, focused IT. Which you also need for the phone system in prehistory.
Then you have people vanishing. If you had their picture on an LCD display terminal, and you would turn it off – that would work.
Either the time of magicians was a time of modern time travelers, or we just live in a time of real music.
No jokes: Serious. Hello ‘Wizard Smith’!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Haunted Hall

Salford has a Tudor Hall- complete with ghosts

Friday, April 27, 2007

Ghost break

Even ghosts deserve time off! Come adn meet themat the OCC!